Notos Kits
Howdy folks. The release date for the Umarex Notos Kit will be this Friday, 9/29. I plan on putting them in stock at 9am-ish Central time. We only have a limited number. I have more on order. If they go out of stock it won’t be for long. The FDE handguard will come out later. No date on that yet.
I just got done posting the listing, pictures, installation video etc. You can view that here: https://buck-rail.com/product/umarex-notos-ar-conversion-kit/
You can also sign up there to be notified when it is put in stock.
P-Rod Kits
I finally got the Marauder trigger assemblies in from Crosman. I like the Notos kit so much that I decided to take the same approach with the P-Rod. I’ve redesigned the grip adapter to receive metal AR extension tubes. Like the Notos grip adapter, it will be made from commercial-grade fused PA12 Nylon. It will accept the metal UTG Side Folder and Beavertail grips as well. I don’t have the protypes in hand yet, but here’s a little preview from the CAD model:

Diana Stormrider Kits
The Stormrider kits are getting a similar update, as well. The new grip adapter will not replace the old style. It will just be offered as another option. I just got this prototype in and it fits great and feels great. I especially like the option of using grips with beavertails. Check it out:

Tube Adapters
While I’m on this UTG Side Folder and AR Tube kick I decided to make adapters for the Crosman 13XX and 2240 line of airguns. I have seen a few out there, but none like the ones I’m working on. They will be a two part design that utilizes the same technique as our stock tubes and rear pic adapters. You’ll replace the hammer spring retention cap with a machined adapter and add a nylon threaded adapter that will clamp to the air tube with a screw threaded into the machined adapter. Confused yet? It’s going to be great. Another unique feature of this tube adapter is that it will look like it’s part of the airgun. Not just slapped on as an afterthought. It is also offset to keep it from protruding into the grip area. I’ll post pics as soon as I have the working prototypes in hand.

I’ll also have this style of adapter available for the Diana Chaser, Bandit, and Airbug soon!
MLok Mounting Pic Rails
I just released a few 21mm Pic Rails that are compatible with our MLok handguards. I 3d print them in black ASA. The lengths coincide with a number of adjacent mlok slots. They are made to cover two, three, or four adjacent full-length mlok slots. They come with the SAE screws and t-nuts needed for mounting and at a budget-friendly price. Check those out here: Picatinny Accessory Rails
Crosman Parts
I’ve been surprised that our Crosman parts have sold so well. They can take a lot of time for me to get more. I will be placing larger orders so that we can keep these in stock. We just put more power adjusters in stock. I just got some 24″ .177 and .22 barrels in as well. I will be cutting down some 177s for folks who are having a hard time finding the 14.6″ .177 barrels. I’ll update here when they are listed. I’ve also just added the fiber optic front sights for 7/16 barrels here: Crosman Fiber Optic Front Sight
Let me know if there are any other parts you want to see stocked and I’ll see what I can do.
Upcoming Projects
Umarex SA10 – I’m working on a pretty slick optics mount for the Umarex SA10. It will be fixed to the barrel and will not move with the blowback slide.
Walther CP88 and family – I’m working on an optics mount that replaces the rear sight post for the Walther CP88. It should be compatible with a host of other airguns as well. JC, at Airgun Detectives, will be making a video on that soon.
Umarex Origin – I’m 99% certain that the next AR chassis kit I make will be for the Umarex Origin. That one has been a long time coming and I think it’s finally time.
and so much more….
Thank You!
Until next time, thank you for your business and thank you for your support and all the encouragement over the years. It’s not taken for granted and I’ll continue to work hard to earn it.