Notos Release Date and Other News

Notos Kits

Howdy folks. The release date for the Umarex Notos Kit will be this Friday, 9/29. I plan on putting them in stock at 9am-ish Central time. We only have a limited number. I have more on order. If they go out of stock it won’t be for long. The FDE handguard will come out later. No date on that yet.

I just got done posting the listing, pictures, installation video etc. You can view that here:

You can also sign up there to be notified when it is put in stock.

P-Rod Kits

I finally got the Marauder trigger assemblies in from Crosman. I like the Notos kit so much that I decided to take the same approach with the P-Rod. I’ve redesigned the grip adapter to receive metal AR extension tubes. Like the Notos grip adapter, it will be made from commercial-grade fused PA12 Nylon. It will accept the metal UTG Side Folder and Beavertail grips as well. I don’t have the protypes in hand yet, but here’s a little preview from the CAD model:

Diana Stormrider Kits

The Stormrider kits are getting a similar update, as well. The new grip adapter will not replace the old style. It will just be offered as another option. I just got this prototype in and it fits great and feels great. I especially like the option of using grips with beavertails. Check it out:

Tube Adapters

While I’m on this UTG Side Folder and AR Tube kick I decided to make adapters for the Crosman 13XX and 2240 line of airguns. I have seen a few out there, but none like the ones I’m working on. They will be a two part design that utilizes the same technique as our stock tubes and rear pic adapters. You’ll replace the hammer spring retention cap with a machined adapter and add a nylon threaded adapter that will clamp to the air tube with a screw threaded into the machined adapter. Confused yet? It’s going to be great. Another unique feature of this tube adapter is that it will look like it’s part of the airgun. Not just slapped on as an afterthought. It is also offset to keep it from protruding into the grip area. I’ll post pics as soon as I have the working prototypes in hand.

I’ll also have this style of adapter available for the Diana Chaser, Bandit, and Airbug soon!

MLok Mounting Pic Rails

I just released a few 21mm Pic Rails that are compatible with our MLok handguards. I 3d print them in black ASA. The lengths coincide with a number of adjacent mlok slots. They are made to cover two, three, or four adjacent full-length mlok slots. They come with the SAE screws and t-nuts needed for mounting and at a budget-friendly price. Check those out here: Picatinny Accessory Rails

Crosman Parts

I’ve been surprised that our Crosman parts have sold so well. They can take a lot of time for me to get more. I will be placing larger orders so that we can keep these in stock. We just put more power adjusters in stock. I just got some 24″ .177 and .22 barrels in as well. I will be cutting down some 177s for folks who are having a hard time finding the 14.6″ .177 barrels. I’ll update here when they are listed. I’ve also just added the fiber optic front sights for 7/16 barrels here: Crosman Fiber Optic Front Sight

Let me know if there are any other parts you want to see stocked and I’ll see what I can do.

Upcoming Projects

Umarex SA10 – I’m working on a pretty slick optics mount for the Umarex SA10. It will be fixed to the barrel and will not move with the blowback slide.

Walther CP88 and family – I’m working on an optics mount that replaces the rear sight post for the Walther CP88. It should be compatible with a host of other airguns as well. JC, at Airgun Detectives, will be making a video on that soon.

Umarex Origin – I’m 99% certain that the next AR chassis kit I make will be for the Umarex Origin. That one has been a long time coming and I think it’s finally time.

and so much more….

Thank You!

Until next time, thank you for your business and thank you for your support and all the encouragement over the years. It’s not taken for granted and I’ll continue to work hard to earn it.



New Crosman & Benjamin Parts and More

Flat Dark Earth

I received a lot of positive feedback from folks regarding the FDE grips and pumper for the 13XX. I found a, made in USA, ASA Flat Dark Earth filament that closely matches Magpul FDE. It’s a bit pricey and difficult to print with, but I think it’s worth it and folks seem to be very interested. I’ve made 10 sets so far and have more coming. Those are listed and in stock here:

Crosman 1377/1322 Plumper Pumper
Crosman and P-Rod Grips

Umarex Notos Kits

I’m working overtime on the Notos kits. I have the grip adapters in hand, but it will take me a bit to get them all finished and listed. I’m thinking I didn’t get enough of them. Some of you knew that before I did… The good news is that they’re made in the USA and I’ll be able to restock pretty quick. In preparation for releasing those I’ve developed some new products and have added some products from other manufacturers. Here are some items that will be featured on the Notos kits that are also listed individually:

Magpul MOE-K Grips in Black and FDE
UTG Side Folding Stock Adapter
UTG Pro Milspec Extension Tube

I will also be releasing the budget-friendly MLok Pic Rail kits soon. The FDE handguards are going to take me a bit longer to work out. I will release the Notos kits with the black handguard only. The FDE handguard will come later. You will still be able to purchase the kit with the FDE grip and FDE buttstock, though. If you’re looking to complete the FDE look you can just hold off on the handguard until that’s out.

Thank you all for your business and your support. It’s not taken for granted. We’ll keep working hard to earn it!



Labor Day Sale, New Products, and Other News

Umarex Notos and Artemis PP750

I’ve completed the Umarex Notos and PP750 Tactical Conversion Kits. The Grip Adapter is made in the USA using PA12 Fused Nylon. The Side Folder and Extension Tube are made in the USA UTG Pro. The stock option will be Made in the USA Magpul MOE only or no stock. You’ll be able to choose from with or without Cheek Riser. If you want to use the OEM iron sights you won’t want a riser installed. Folks who want to mount a scope, especially with high rings to clear expanded mags, will need that riser. The handguard is mlok, but I’ll also be releasing an affordable, customizable, pic rail kit at the same time. I make the handguard myself from ASA.

I just ordered 40 of the grip adapters. A few of those will go to our friends and we should have about 35 available for the first run. I usually do more on a first run, but if they don’t sell it puts me in a bind. The JTS kit was a BIG punch in the gut. I’m trying something different with these as I’d like to not go broke, if I can help it.

Semi-Auto to Full Auto Conversion Kit

I’ve had this idea for a while, but it’s always been on the backburner as it’s just for my own enjoyment. I had a little time recently to throw something together. Its a kit that uses a small DC gearmotor, cam, and motor controller to fire a semi-auto airgun. The rate of fire is set with a potentiometer. In this particular iteration I’m using a 400 rpm gear motor, but it could just as easily be a 1000 rpm motor if the airgun can cycle that fast. I already had a Hatsan Sortie that I don’t shoot much so I started with that. This is the first “working” prototype. It’s a work in progress. Spoiler alert, it jams a lot.

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I’ll likely do the same thing for a Benjamin Semi-Auto Marauder next. Eventually I’ll want to move up to a Bin Tac B&W S45. Stay tuned for that.

Crosman Products

I’ve just listed some Crosman parts and I have more on the way. So far, we have the following available at great prices, with great service, fast free shipping and SMALL quantities:

LPA MIM Rear Sight for the steel breech
14.6 inch Crosman Barrel in .22 Caliber
Steel Breech in .177 Caliber
Power Adjusters for the 2240 etc.

Price Increases

I know I know. You came here expecting a sale and I tell you we’re raising prices. There is indeed a one-time big Buck Rail sale coming. I’ll tell you about that next. Many of our 3d printed items are printed in a material called ABS. It’s a great material and has served us well. There is another material that is much like ABS, but has better UV resistance, called ASA. I’ve wanted to switch to ASA for a long time, but I knew it was going to be a big undertaking with over 40 machines running 24/7 and over 100 print variations. Recently, we got news from our supplier that we weren’t going to be able to acquire any ABS for two months. That forced my hand. I put on my man-britches and made the switch. The product will stand up to the outdoors better and the finish will be much improved on many of our accessories. The downfall, it costs three times as much. Don’t worry, I’m not raising prices 300%. The material is a small part of the cost for a lot of our items. The increase will be closer to about 20% on our items that were formerly printed in ABS. The UNF suppressors and other Polycarbonate and MJF Nylon items will not be affected.

Flat Dark Earth

Another benefit of switching to ASA is that I found a beautiful Flat Dark Earth ASA that matched Magpul FDE. It’s even pricier, but it looks amazing. If y’all are interested in this let me know in the comments. What would you like to see in FDE?

The Big Buck Rail Sale

It’s actually not a Labor Day Sale. I want to keep prices low all the time and not play with people’s minds. The reason for the sale is so that y’all can buy up whatever ABS parts you’re are on the fence about before I raise prices. Just a show of good faith to the folks who’ve supported us over the years. Starting September 3rd and running all the way to September 8th all ABS items will be 20% off. Price increases will take affect on September 9th. If you love me, please don’t tell too many folks about it. I’m already maxxed out and I don’t want to get overrun. I also want our loyal customers to be able to get what they’re looking for. If something goes out of stock I’ll be working to restock it ASAP.

Thank you

Speaking of loyal customers, this newsletter is going out to 2000+ folks. I’m not trying to be too sappy, but that makes me real happy. Parts need to get churned out, I sometimes get burned out. I hope y’all are knowin’, your support keeps me goin’. Sorry, I’m done…

…Just havin’ fun,

– Terry

Diana Airbug Suppressors

Diana Airbug Suppressors Are Here

We had close to 100 folks subscribed to the Diana Airbug suppressors and I somehow broke the back-in-stock notifier. So here is your notification! They are back… and they are different. I know not everyone will love the changes, but the functionality has been much improved. The fitment has been made more reliable, the finish dramatically improved, and it is now secured to the barrel with two set screws. Compatible with our UNI suppressors and thread protector.

Much of these changes were driven by customer feedback. I hope you like it as much as we do. The above airgun is my daughter’s and it has been well used.

I’m trying a new stock idea as well. What do you think? This style allows for much more customization in LOP, Carbine Tube or AR308 Tube, Side Folder or No, Fixed or Adjustable stocks, Milspec or commercial, and so on… It will be compatible with the Airbug, Bandit, and Chaser airguns and their non-US counterparts.

Thank you for your business and thank you for your support! It’s not taken for granted and we’re working hard to earn it.



New Products and New Projects!

Just a quick update. I’ve just listed a couple of new products and have some project updates. Let me tell you about it.

Black Arts Design

We’re now offering Air Venturi Avenger Barrel bands from Black Arts Design. Gauge covers will be listed soon as well. David is a 3d printing wizard and his designs are top notch. I 3d print aerospace parts professionally with machines that cost over $400k and can tell you confidently that these are the smoothest FDM printed parts I’ve ever seen. Check those out here: B.A.D. Avenger Barrel Bands

M14x1.25 Suppressors

I’ve made quite a few of these suppressors for customers here and there when I have time for custom work. I figured I might as well just list them. I personally don’t have any airguns that use this thread pattern, but I’ve had customers use these on the AGN Uragan 2 and other high end PCPs. I have a bunch of .122/.22 caliber and a few .30 calibers. .25 cals are coming soon as well. Check those out here: M14X1.25 Suppressors

Crosman and Benjamin Airguns

Buck Rail has recently become an authorized repair center for many Crosman and Benjamin Airguns. This is great news for a few reasons. The obvious one is that Buck Rail will be able to do warranty work on your Crosman and Benjamin airguns. This also means we’ll be able to offer Crosman parts for the 2240 and 13XX including barrels, steel breeches, etc. along with the aftermarket parts we already offer and with Buck Rail service. The part that I’m most excited about though… This means the Benjamin P-Rod tactical conversion kit is happening soon. The kit requires that you remove the grip frame and trigger group and replace it with the very crisp trigger found on the Benjamin Marauder. Here’s a few previews from when I was prototyping that kit.

Seneca Big Bores

I’ve been working to develop a solid tactical conversion kit for the Seneca Dragon Claw and Recluse. Whether or not the kits will be sold alone or by Buck Rail is yet to be determined. I won’t be manufacturing the parts, as I’m at max capacity. It will likely end up being sold by CAP Arms on their CAP Dragons, but I thought y’all might like to see how that’s coming along.

Umarex Notos and Artemis PP750

I’ve just started working on a kit that will be compatible with the Umarex Notos and Artemis PP750. I’m taking a little different approach with these. It will be compatible with Milspec buffer tubes and AK side folders like the Seneca kit above. Now that we are reselling for Leapers we can make that more affordable to our customers. The price will likely be close to our other kits, but it will have a metal tube and side folder. Check it out! This is the first prototype.

Do you like the grip? Me too. I liked them so much that I reached out to Ergo Air to become a reseller so that we can offer them to our customers as well. They will likely be an upgrade option on some of our tactical kits and will be sold individually as well. Stay tuned for that!

That’s all I’ve got for now. Thank you for your business and thank you for your support! It’s not taken for granted and I’m working hard to earn it.


Terry Harman

P.S. The 13XX, Underlever, and Avenger UNI adapters are all on order and only a couple weeks out!

Update 7/12/23: Airacuda Kits and Other News

Howdy Folks,

It’s been a while. I’m still not quite back to business as usual, but I have been busy with the business, as usual. I know a lot of folks have been waiting for us to release the JTS Airacuda Tactical Conversion Kit. I wanted to wait until I had the MAX kit ready as well, but it’s going to be a bit before I get some more design time. The kit for the JTS Airacuda base model is now available to ship. Check it out!

In other news

We now offer Diana Chaser Pistols in .177 and .22

I’ve also listed the pistols with tactical kits preinstalled. Instead of 3d printing these in my garage I have them made in industrial grade fused Nylon PA12 for a higher quality finish and higher strength. The kit includes chassis, grip, buttstock, suppressor, and 3 rotary mags. Check that out HERE.

I told y’all that I listed the Beeman Marshall Carbine kits in the last newsletter. I’ve now added the side folder option to those as well. We install the kits, clean the barrel, fill it, and run some lead through it to ensure it’s not a dud before shipping. Check those out HERE.

I’ve assembled a kit for replacing the spring roll pin in the 1377/1322 etc. Check that out HERE. It’s made up of off the shelf items, but conveniently bundled so that you don’t have to track the parts down yourself. I’ve also listed the parts you will need if you’re going to do it yourself. You can get the parts at your local hardware store. I’m only offering this because it has been a common request. I will be assembling a washer kit as well to take up the slack in the pump arm.

I’m phasing out Chinese buttstocks. We have a lot of good Made in USA options now:

UTG Pro S3
UTG Pro S4
Magpul MOE
Magpul Cheek Riser

We’ve added some more DonnyFL products. Check those out HERE.

Our friend Jason Hogueison requested a couple of barrel bands for his Kral Puncher Knight and NP-03 and loaned me his airguns to take measurements and test parts. I hade a few of the bands printed in Fused Nylon and have those listed as well. Check out Jason’s website HERE.

I’ve replaced our original direct fit Akela/Kratos Suppressor with an adapter for our UNI Suppressor. Check that out HERE.

I’m working with our polymer filament supplier to develop a Flat Dark Earth ABS filament. This will make it possible for us to offer many of our products in FDE. Hopefully the color comes out right. Stay tuned on that.

We have quite a few things out of stock right now. Part of that is high demand and part of that is bad management. I’m working on the bad management part. I’m not keen on raising prices, so I’m trying to get creative. These are problems I’m happy to have. Bear with me, y’all.

Thank you for your business, thank you for your support and the opportunity to serve y’all. I don’t take it for granted.



P.S. Baby and family are happy and healthy. Thank you for all the kind words, folks.

What’s New at Buck Rail? 4/5/2023

Howdy folks,

It’s been a few months since I’ve updated y’all. We’ve made a lot happen since then. Let me tell you about it real quick. I have a ton of pictures of all the stuff below, but I haven’t found a good way to show them to you. I’m having trouble getting pics to show on mobile devices from my blog. Until I get that figured out, check us out on Instagram and Facebook. I’ve been posting lots of updates there. I know social media isn’t for everyone, so I will be looking into a good way to share lots of pictures with the folks who are interested.

We’ve added a lot of new products. We’re going to add airguns as well. I just added one…

Other New Products

Upcoming Products

  • JTS Airacuda Tactical Conversion Kit – this one is pretty much done. Just waiting for some parts to come in before I list them.
  • Diana Chaser Tactical Airguns – I have 40 Diana Chasers. 20 in .177 and 20 in .22. I’ll add stocks to them, repackage them and sell them at an unbeatable price.
  • Marauder Pistol Kits – I’ve completed a really slick design for the Benjamin Marauder Pistol. I’m trying to work with Crosman to get some really nice triggers, but that has been slow rolling. As soon as Crosman get’s their stuff together and gets me the parts I need, I will start working on getting those listed.
  • Gauntlet UNI Adapter – Like the UNI adapters above. Will be replacing the direct fit suppressors to free up printers.
  • Akela UNI Adapter – Like the UNI adapters above. Will be replacing the direct fit suppressor to free up printers.
  • 880 UNI Adapter – I’ll continue to sell the clamping style, but I have another one that will replace the front sight post, with fiber optic front sight and threaded adapter. It looks a lot nicer.
  • M14X1.25 Suppressor with Steel Insert – This one has been a common request. I don’t own any airguns that use this thread pattern, but apparently lots of other folks do. Design and testing don just trying to get enough of them in stock to release them.
  • Diana Magazine Holders – I’ve made a pretty slick mag holder for my Diana Stormrider that mount on the MLok handguard. The design is done. Will list it when I can get to it.
  • Marauder Pistol Fixed Stocks – Just like the fixed stocks for the 13XX and 2240 but for the P-Rod. Design is done. Just need to free up printers so that I can get some ready to sell.

Other Buck Rail News

  • I’ve been working to become a reseller for a lot of different companies. One in particular that I’m excited about is UTG Leapers. They make a lot of Made in USA grips, buttstocks, optics, handguards etc. that I’m looking forward to incorporating into our conversion kits. Stay tuned for that.
  • Some other companies that we’re working with are Crosman, Benjamin, Diana, Beeman, and Outerwild Outpost. I plan on offering a lot of bundled kits and products that ought to save folks some money while at the same time improving some of our current offerings.
  • I’ve developed a pretty slick Quick Disconnect suppressor. I’m not sure if that’s something folks would be interested in or why. I designed it more for my own curiosity. Let me know if that’s something y’all are interested in.
  • I’ve started messing around with A2 Carry handles with rear sight and A2 front sight/barrel bands. I made one for the AV Avenger and it worked out quite nicely. It’s been a lot of fun and I could see it being something that folks are interested in. The only problem is that I need to buy the aluminum carry handles and modify them to make them work on many airguns. I need to find a way to do that affordably and I’ll be able to bring those to market.
  • I’ve gotten a small amount of pushback here and there for discontinuing our direct fit suppressors. Let me explain. Many of our direct fit suppressors are long and skinny. This makes them difficult to print reliably in the material we use. Often times I don’t know if something is wrong until the customer lets me know. That’s not ideal. There isn’t a practical way for me to offer these products at these prices and test every single one. I needed to produce a more reliable product, free up resources so that I could make other cool stuff, and remain sane. The solution was to outsource to another Houston, TX based manufacturer who makes high quality polymer parts using HP Multi Jet Fusion technology (something Buck Rail can’t afford). Long skinny suppressors would be cost prohibitive. Shorter adapters not so much. I can have them make a really nice adapter and print the shorter, more reliable, suppressor myself. This frees up a lot of resources in my garage, improves the product (in my opinion), and you’ll still be able to buy the whole suppressor/adapter for less than a machined metal adapter. It’s a win for most folks. I hope that gives some clarity.

Personal News

Our sixth child is due in two weeks y’all. I’ll be radio silent for a bit as I won’t be able to work like I have been. I’m going to try to get as much as I can done before then. I’ll still be cranking out parts, but I won’t be spending much time designing, prototyping, testing, etc. until we get settled in with the new babe!

Thank you all so much for your business and your support! I don’t take it for granted. I’ll keep working hard to earn it!



DonnyFL, Side Folders, and Other News

New Products

Howdy folks. It’s been a bit since I talked at y’all. I’m still at it and have a lot of good stuff in the works. First off, I’m happy to announce that we are now selling and shipping DonnyFL suppressor adapters. We currently have six models on offer, but will likely supply whatever folks are requesting. If you’re already here to buy a suppressor, you might as well get the adapter from the same place all in one go. Also, If you buy the suppressor and adapter together, you get a discount. If you buy the adapter alone, you don’t get a discount, but you get free shipping. If none of those things appeal to you then go right ahead and get them from Donny. They’re a great American company and you won’t regret it either way. This is more of a convenience to our customers. Here’s what we’re starting with: Akela/Kratos, Kral Puncher Breaker, Marauder Rifle, Armada, Fortitude, Marauder Pistol, Avenger/Origin, Gauntlet, and Beeman Underlever. I chose these, because we already sell a lot of direct fit suppressors for these airguns. I will likely be discontinuing much of our direct fit suppressors to make room for other products that I’m working on and free up printers to work on other things.

Beeman 2027 Side Folders

I’ve made some changes to our Beeman 2027 grip adapter to improve the fit and function of the Poor Man’s Side Folder on that platform. The rear pic rail has been moved further rearward so that you can turn the Side Folder upside-down, clear the bolt, and get the hinge pin off of your hand/wrist. I should have done this before, but it simply didn’t occur to me until we started getting some complaints. An advantage of getting the side folder over the fixed stock is the ability to make adjustments to the hammer spring on the fly. Just fold the stock over, make your adjustment, and fold it back. If you mount our Micro Red Dot on it you can co-witness with the tall front sight post. It helps a lot with accuracy and developing a consistent cheek weld. I’m having a lot of fun with this platform.As you can see below, we’ve also added an M-Lok Handguard option for the Beeman 2027.

Marauder Pistol Side Folder

I’ve made a similar change to the Benjamin Marauder Pistol adapter. I’ve extended it rearward to clear the bolt as well. You can see what I mean in the picture below:

Like I said, I should have done this originally, but I didn’t. Sorry about that. If you own one of these in the older model I’ll be happy to replace it. Just reach out to Chris and he’ll get you fixed up with a replacement. Just be patient with us while I try to print enough for everyone who takes me up on it!

Other Projects

A long time customer suggested that we offer a fixed minimalist stock for the 13XX. I have working prototypes for the Marauder Pistol, Crosman 13XX, 2240, Diana Airbug, Bandit, and Chaser, and have one in the works for the Beeman 2027. In order to get an adult LOP they need to be longer than most of my printers can print. The printers that I print the Stormrider and Avenger Handguards on are working 24/7 to keep up with Avenger kits. I’ll need to get more of those printers setup, which means I need more power, which means it may be a bit, but I’m on it and it’s going to happen. I’m thinking I’ll provide two different buttpads to suit different preferences. Below is the prototype for the PRod.

Tactical Conversion Kits

A lot. Too many to say. I’ll get myself in trouble if I told you all the airguns I’m planning on tackling. Just know that I’m working on it and there will be a lot of news to come on those.


As I said earlier, I’ll likely discontinue many of our direct fit suppressors, but I plan on replacing them with affordable options that can be manufactured more reliably. I have it mind to take the same approach I took with our Crosman 13XX suppressor. Very tough MJF Nylon adapters with a common full polymer suppressor. I would work with another manufacturer to make the many polymer adapters and I’ll just focus on the all polymer suppressor. I’m experimenting with Quick Disconnect threads and it’s looking very promising. None of these ideas are new, but there’s certainly nothing like it widely available on the market. I’ll be posting casual updates on Facebook and Instagram as I make progress on those.

That’s all I have for now folks. Thank you for your business and thank you for your support. I love what I do and will keep working hard at making great products at great prices for great customers!


Terry Harman

Update on Diana Chaser, Bandit, & Airbug Kits

Upgraded Diana Stock Tubes

I forgot about these until they arrived on my doorstep! The Diana Chaser, Bandit, and Airbug Stock Tubes have been upgraded! There is now no sanding required. It is much like our 13XX and 2240 stock tubes with a machined steel adapter, steel bolt, and printed tube. I just threw the old ones out. All orders that are shipped from now on will be shipped with the new tubes.

I’m sorry about the poor quality video. I rushed it out so I could get these to you before I go back to work!

If you’d like to upgrade from the old stock tube use coupon code DIANAUPGRADE for a 50% discount. This is only going out to our subscribers and this just to cover our costs. The coupon code will expire on Saturday, 12/24/2022!

Thank you!


New Products for AV Avenger and Diana Airguns

New Products for AV Avenger and Diana Airguns

Okay, folks. I’m think thinking this will be it for a while. Avenger Tactical conversion kits are released. Here’s the video I recently made for installation. Please forgive me, but I had a little fun with the intro. The rest is the same ol’ dry instructional without any fluff:

I’ve also released the M-Lok Handguards for the Stormrider, Chaser, Bandit, and Airbug. No video for that as it installs just like the tri-rails. I personally prefer the M-Lok rails. They are more comfortable in the hand, look better(IMO), and provide for much more customization. The only downfall that I can think of is that it’ll cost you extra to add Pic rails, etc. Here’s my Stormrider with M-Lok Handguard installed.

We’ve gotten a lot of requests for side folders for the Stormrider and we’ve already gotten requests for side folders for the Avenger and bottle compatibility. I want to do it all. And I will try to do it all. In time… Bear with me, y’all!

I forgot to mention last time. I’m finally on social media, kind of. I don’t spend too much time there, but I will be posting small projects and pics on Instagram and Facebook occasionally. It’s easier for me to snap pics and give more casual updates on instagram and Facebook. If you want to follow along and/or show your support there you can follow the links below. If you feel so inclined leave Buck Rail a review on Facebook:

Thank you for your business and thank you for your support! It is not taken for granted!

– Terry