New Products, Promo, and Updates

New Products, Promo, and Updates

Hey there folks. A lot going on at Buck Rail lately. Here’s the highlight reel…

Air Venturi Avenger

Avenger Barrel Bands are out and I’m giving a few away. Use code FIRST20 at checkout to get one for free. Only the first 20 customers can use it. Limit one per customer. Check those out here: Avenger Barrel Band. Let me know what y’all think!

Benjamin Akela

Akela/Kratos suppressors are back in stock. I’ve increased the outside diameter some and tightened up the baffle inner diameter. Also, I’ve added a scope rail support for the Akela. This has been a common request from customers and it worked out nicely. Check that out here: Akela Scope Rail Support


We stopped shipping to Canada a while back. Canadian customs kept holding packages for “closer inspection” and it became impractical for our small business to absorb that. Wes at will be selling our Diana AR Conversion Kits within Canada. Wes is a great guy to do business with. I’ve bought quite a few things from him myself and it was all top notch with great service to boot. If you’d like to see any of our other products (sorry, no suppressors) available in Canada reach out to Wes and let him know!

Beeman 2027 Work In Progress

I’m working on a tactical conversion for the Beeman 2027. This PCP pistol is a lot of fun, feature rich, and solid for the price. The stock is purdy, but a bit clunky and… well… YUGE. Seriously, you have no idea how big this thing is from the pictures.

There’s a lot of work to be done, yet. But I am super excited about what I have so far. The grip and rail are done, but I have a lot more work to do on the stock. I need to make the side folder mechanism (it will fold to the right), add an adjustable stock, and figure out how to keep the price low. Check out the progress:

As you can see, when you close the side folder it dims the lights….

If I work up a reasonably priced and effective side folder I will make an adapter for the 13XX, 2240, and Dianas as well. Please be patient with me while I work out the details. I don’t have a release date, but will announce it here when that day comes.

Sig MCX and MPX

I made suppressors for the MCX and MPX, but they don’t work worth a dang. I would be embarrassed to sell them. That’s all I got on that…

Umarex Gauntlet

Another customer request has been to make the Gauntlet suppressor constrain the barrel. I’m about done with that and will have those available sometime soon. I plan on working up a few Gauntlet Barrel bands as well.


In our early days, my kids would draw pictures on “thank you” notes for every customer. I’m sure many of you remember this. That was back when we sold three products and this business was only an experiment and homeschool lesson for my two oldest kiddos. On the flipside, many of you have sent pictures to me. I’ve gotten pictures of dad’s shooting with their kids, tricked out airguns, I even got a picture of a Mandalorian Red Ryder conversion that included some of our parts. I’ve also received pictures, as evidence, of my failures as a designer, 3d printer, and a human in general (i.e. malignent mounts, repugnant rails, slanted suppressors, etc.). Sometimes pictures say it better than words. I’ve added an option to attach pictures to your reviews and plan on making it easier for you to share your pictures on the website. Stay tuned for more on that. In the meantime, if you feel so inclined, leave a review with a picture!

I have a mile long list of suggestions and I’m chipping away day by day. We’re working hard to be worthy of your business! Thank you for your patronage and for the opportunity to serve you!


Updates, New Products, and New Options

Updates, New Products, and New Options

Just another quick update to let you know what I’ve been working on and to make some low-key product announcements.

Beeman Underlever

On my last post I announced the release of the Beeman Underlever Suppressor. Now I’ve added a “barrel band” for mounting bipods, lasers etc…. Check that out HERE

1/2-20 UNF Suppressors

I’ve added a .30 Caliber suppressor option to our 1/2-20 UNF Suppressor. It’s larger in diameter, has thicker walls, and is compatible with .30 Caliber airguns with a 1/2-20 threaded muzzle. There is no taper on this suppressor like on our other UNFs. I haven’t announced it anywhere until now and have already sold out a couple of times. Please bear with me. I make more each day and update stock daily. Check that out HERE.

1/2-20 UNF Adapters

Speaking of selling out…. I’m now having our steel 1/2-20 UNF adapters manufactured in the USA. They’re working on that right now and we’ll hopefully have those back in stock soon. If you’re subscribed to that product you will be notified the day that I get them. There are quite a few folks on the waitlist to be notified when they are back in stock. If they go out of stock again before you can get one I should be able to get them back in stock a little quicker now!

UNI Suppressors

We use the same suppressor (with different adapters) on the 13XX, M4-177, 1077, 880, etc. Though they are not universal, they’re affectionately known to us as our UNI suppressors. A lot of folks have wanted to buy the adapters alone and use the same UNI on multiple airguns. I’ve been hearing that request for a while now and have finally made that happen. I’m sorry it took so long! You now have the option to buy only the adapter for those airguns. Please note that the UNI suppressors and adapters are M20X2 threads. They’re not compatible with anything else that I know of.

Avenger/Origin Suppressor

This suppressor is quickly becoming one of our best sellers. A common request has been to make it support the barrel to reduce barrel “whipping” etc. I’ve incorporated that feedback into the latest version. The suppressor now supports the barrel while still making use of the shroud volume to reduce the report.

Bulldog 357 Suppressor

You may have guessed, from the featured image above, that the trapezoidal suppressor is for the Benjamin Bulldog. It’s a direct fit on the .357 Caliber model and works great. Stay tuned for that. I’ve also received requests to make one that is compatible with the extended reservoir. That is on my list as well.

Website Changes

First PayPal divorced us, then Stripe. Something about irreconcilable ideological differences… Anyhow, ultimately, it has been a good thing. It’s been a lot of work, but we’re now up and running with and it’s way better for us and you. It’s a subsidiary of Visa, is very secure, and more reliable. It also allows for more customization and gives us more tools to better serve our customers. I’ve also added the option to pay by check or money order in case they get weird too.

We’re working hard to provide great products and great service at great prices. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you!

And that’s all I have to say about that…

Guns, Goats, and the Pursuit of Liberty

Guns, Goats, and the Pursuit of Liberty

Hey folks! Time for a new product release! I know it’s been a while. A lot has happened. We’ve been shut down by PayPal and Stripe for selling “firearm parts”, had accounts frozen, got a big wave of business after JC over at Airgun Detectives posted a review, I started a new job, got lots of emails, got burned out, got a goat, the goat got sad so we got her a friend… Not complaining, God is good.

The point… With all that there has been no time for me to work on my mile long list of new products. Thankfully, help has arrived. My friend Chris is now working with us to take on customer service. This is good news for you and me. With his help I can start focusing on cranking out new products again.

So, without further ado, let me briefly introduce to you our latest suppressor. It’s for the Beeman Underlever PCP.

Beeman 1358 with new Buck Rail Suppressor

This suppressor came as a suggestion from an engineer with Marksman who worked on the 135X design. As soon as he contacted me I placed an order for one and have been very impressed with it. It’s a lot of fun and is feature rich at a great price. I hope I’ve done it justice with this suppressor design. I can tell you that it works great and ranks with our most affective suppressors, such as the 13XX and Daisy 880 suppressors, but for a more powerful platform. I can say with confidence that it is our most affective PCP suppressor to date.

I will be making an accessory rail/barrel band as well. The barrel is very stable and I don’t believe it needs a barrel band, but I will be making one anyway so that accessories such as a bipod can be mounted. The design is complete, but it may be a bit before I get it listed.

Check out the suppressor listing HERE for more info.

Thanks for the opportunity to serve you and thanks for lookin’ y’all!



A few minor updates.

UNI Suppressors

They are not officially called UNIs, but that’s what we call them at home. They are not quite universal, but we’ll go with that for the sake of this article. I’m referring to our 13XX, 1077, 880, M4-177, QB78 Suppressors. I’ve made some minor improvements. I’ve reduced the internal diameter of the first baffle after the expansion chamber. This seems to make a significant difference in report reduction without increasing the likelihood of negative impacts on accuracy. I already had this feature on the 1/2-20 UNF and Diana M10X1.00 Suppressor, but have now included it in these suppressors. I’ve also added the honeycomb pattern that I’m putting on just about everything. Folks seem to like it and I’ve had quite a few suggestions to add it to these. So that has been done.

Hawkeye Red Dots

We were sold out of the Picatinny Red Dots for a while, but they’re back in stock now. Don’t expect them to last long.

Red Dots

Crosman Scope Mount and Red Dot Bundle

1/2-20 UNF, M10X1.00, and Avenger Suppressors

These have all been going out of stock a lot lately. If I run out of stock it won’t be for long. I add more each day and update stock accordingly.

1/2-20 UNF Suppressor

Diana Chaser M10X1.00 Suppressor

Avenger Suppressor

Crosman 1/2-20 Adapters

Back in Stock now! Crosman 1/2-20 Adapter


Buttstocks were sold out for a while as well. They are now back in stock and there are now two options to select from for the 13XX, 2240, P-Rod, and Diana Adjustable Stock Kits. You can choose from the standard CTR style buttstock or a minimalist buttstock as pictured below. I think the minimalist buttstock looks better and it is also cheaper. However, our standard buttstock has the option of locking in the plunger pin and provides for slightly less play in fitment. Choose wisely. I will not be selling the stocks individually. They are only sold in the kits at a low price to sweeten the deal.

Minimalist on the left and Standard on the right

I have also added a feature to each product that will allow you to elect to be notified when a product is back in stock. Please be patient with me while I get this stuff worked out!

Last, but not least, THANK YOU for opportunity to serve you!

Thanks’ for lookin’ y’all!


Crosman Combo Mounts

I’ve made some improvements to our Crosman Scope Mounts. The 13XX pump tube is smaller in diameter than the 2240 CO2 tube. This meant that if I made it fit very snuggly on one it would not have the same fit on the other. They were still an improvement over the 459 intermounts, but the one-size-fits-all approach was a limiting factor. If you have a loose breech screw or loose fitting barrel cap on the 13XX you could end up with some barrel movement that would have otherwise gone unnoticed without using the barrel to mount an optic. The barrel movement was there before. You just didn’t know until you put a lever on it. I still highly recommend the steel breech, but have provided what I hope is the next best thing.

Now there are two versions. One for a snug fit on the smaller 13XX pump tube and another for a snug fit on the 2240 CO2 tube. I’ve also made them into combination dovetail/weaver mounts much like our Sheridan Scope Mounts. The 13XX mounts will have “13XX” on the sides so we can tell them apart easily and not get them mixed up and send you the wrong stuff.

Check out the listing here:

Diana Bandit, Chaser, and Airbug AR Conversion

The Diana AR Conversion kits are here! I’ve really enjoyed developing these parts and have found our favorite backyard plinker in these little carbines. I’ve already set up a couple for friends and family as well. I think they are great and I hope you do to! Here is the installation video with more detail.

If you have any issues with these parts please reach out to me and give me a chance to fix it. I try to think of everything, but I do make mistakes. You can count on that, but you can also count on me to take responsibility and get it fixed or otherwise make it right. I don’t want anyone to think that I’m making perfect parts. I’m not. These are 3d printed parts. 3d printing is great for prototyping and not so much for manufacturing. They do, however, allow me to quickly design, build, improve, and sell stuff that folks want at great prices. I will continue to improve quality and upgrade our equipment and manufacturing methods. For now, I’m just a dude designing airgun parts in his kids’ bedroom, printing them in his garage, assembling them on his bedroom floor, selling them internationally, and trying to give his chickens a good life whilst remaining a free man, as much as it depends on him!

Check out the listing HERE

I’m very grateful for the opportunity to do all that! I’ll keep working hard, adding value wherever I can, and making great products at great prices!

Thanks for lookin’ y’all!


Back in Stock, Suppressor Changes, and Other News

This is just a quick update on some things that I’ve been working on and some stock updates.

2240 Adjustable Stock Kits – These are finally back in stock, but I’m about to run out of the buttstocks soon. I have more coming in any day now… You can still buy the buffer tubes and get your MILSPEC buttstock somewhere else. When I get the next batch of buttstocks in there will be two options to choose from. Currently no ETA on this…

Diana Chaser Suppressors – These are back in stock. They went out of stock for a bit while I made some changes. They are now textured on the exterior, I’ve removed the helical insert, reduced the taper, added some laser engraving “FOR AIRGUNS ONLY MADE IN TEXAS, USA” and…. lowered the price!

1/2″ UNF Suppressors – I’ve made the same changes to the look and geometry of the 1/2″ UNF suppressor, but I’ve changed the inserts rather than remove them. They were stainless helical inserts that I would occasionally jack up and cause misalignment. Now they are solid-wall steel EZ Lok Inserts. They are more robust and take less time to install, allowing me to make a big improvement to our most popular item without raising the price!

QB78 Suppressors – So far these have been a disappointment. I received lots of requests for this suppressor, so I bought me a Beeman QB78 Deluxe from amazon and got to work. I made an adapter much like our 880 suppressor that worked great on my airgun. Unfortunately, it couldn’t even be installed on some others. At least not the ones who were willing to give feedback. Come to find out (with the help of a great customer who reached out on GTA), Beeman makes these airguns with two barrel sizes: 14mm and 15mm. Mine is 14mm. Others are 15mm. These may be dead in the water already, but I went ahead and made some in two sizes and added an option to select from 14 or 15mm adapters anyway.

Diana AR Conversion Parts – Coming very soon folks. Thanks for your patience. I’m just trying to get caught up before I add these to my workload. Expecting to get these out in the next couple of days.

Wood Composite Grips and Pumper

This is just a quick update on the wood composite grips and pump handles. They can be a bit tricky to print, but they work! I’ve printed, sanded, and finished a few sets now. Check them out!


They are printed in a Polymer/Wood composite. It is 30% wood and 70% PLA plastic. The ones in the pictures above are stained with 3 coats of Minwax Dark Walnut stain and clear coated with Minwax Helsman Semi-Gloss Spar Urethane.

They are not as fine as solid wood parts of course, but I really like the blend of traditional and new technology. They would also be cheaper than wood, but would allow me to serve the folks who aren’t into black rifles. I would offer them unfinished only, as I don’t have the time to sand and finish these. I’m trying to train my chickens to help, but their lack of ambition… and hands are proving to be difficult obstacles to overcome…

The Diana AR Conversion parts are done (AR lower, Adjustable Stock, and Tri-Rail) and my plan is to release them next week. Please be patient with me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
