New Product Release!
Hey folks. I’m still here…
A lot has been happening behind the scenes at Buck Rail. We moved out the old print shed to make room for a bigger better one. We overhauled our manufacturing and fulfillment process. Improved the design of a lot of our parts. Crashed the website a couple of times. Fixed the website and improved the backend. And biggest of all, my big brother and big sister came to work with us. That means there are four of us in total now. I’d like to introduce you all to them soon.
I haven’t had much time to design new products, but this one has been done and was waiting for me to take pics, video, write stuff, etc. So without further ado, meet the one and only (that I know of) Diana Bandit, Chaser, and Airbug Side Folder.
It was a bit tricky to get the Rear Pic tight, but it ended up being a simple solution. I made a simple install video that you can check out below:
If the embed doesn’t show up properly, just follow this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APlJgTFLobY
Check out the product page here: https://buck-rail.com/product/diana-bandit-chaser-airbug-side-folder/
And last, but not least. Happy Veterans Day! This is a veteran-owned company with many veteran customers. It’s been awesome to have so much support from fellow vets, even if they are from lesser branches… All jokes aside, thank you very much for your support and thank you all for your service to our STILL great country. God bless you, God bless America, and God bless Texas.
Thank y’all!