Here’s a little preview of my latest project….

This 2240XL features our 1/2″ UNF Polycarbonate silencer, Dr. Murfee mount, folding bipod, 4×32 compact scope with high rise rings, and an adjustable 6 position stock. The stock adapter and buffer tube assembly can be seen in more detail below:
The buffer tube is 3D printed in ABS and all the other parts are steel. This particular setup allows for an 11″ to 14.5″ length of pull.
My son, Beaux, loves to shoot the Daisy Buck, but he can shoot much more accurately than the airgun can. I gave him this airgun set up at 11″ LOP and we saw a MAJOR improvement in accuracy and the airgun is actually easier for him to handle than the Daisy. Unfortunately, I had to take it away after he tried to take out a bird that landed on our fence…

It’ll be a bit before I start selling these. When I do it’ll be a complete kit at a great price.
Thanks y’all!