Guns, Goats, and the Pursuit of Liberty
Hey folks! Time for a new product release! I know it’s been a while. A lot has happened. We’ve been shut down by PayPal and Stripe for selling “firearm parts”, had accounts frozen, got a big wave of business after JC over at Airgun Detectives posted a review, I started a new job, got lots of emails, got burned out, got a goat, the goat got sad so we got her a friend… Not complaining, God is good.
The point… With all that there has been no time for me to work on my mile long list of new products. Thankfully, help has arrived. My friend Chris is now working with us to take on customer service. This is good news for you and me. With his help I can start focusing on cranking out new products again.
So, without further ado, let me briefly introduce to you our latest suppressor. It’s for the Beeman Underlever PCP.

This suppressor came as a suggestion from an engineer with Marksman who worked on the 135X design. As soon as he contacted me I placed an order for one and have been very impressed with it. It’s a lot of fun and is feature rich at a great price. I hope I’ve done it justice with this suppressor design. I can tell you that it works great and ranks with our most affective suppressors, such as the 13XX and Daisy 880 suppressors, but for a more powerful platform. I can say with confidence that it is our most affective PCP suppressor to date.
I will be making an accessory rail/barrel band as well. The barrel is very stable and I don’t believe it needs a barrel band, but I will be making one anyway so that accessories such as a bipod can be mounted. The design is complete, but it may be a bit before I get it listed.
Check out the suppressor listing HERE for more info.
Thanks for the opportunity to serve you and thanks for lookin’ y’all!
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Goats are very entertaining! Definitely herd animals. We have two also! Looking forward to trying the .357 Bulldog suppressor which you just shipped.
Jack, you’re right down the road from us, too! I haven’t gotten any feedback on the Bulldog suppressor, yet. We’ve only shipped a handful. If you have any feedback, issues, etc. don’t hesitate to reach out.
Will do! Thought about asking to just pick it up rather than mailing, but got busy with something else.
Terry, you the man, Ordered some more stuff today. Thanks, and god bless.
Thank you Sir!
Take your time for family, friends and goats. I’d rather slow service than no service rather than you burn out. There is no airgun customer in the world that is more important than family.
Hey Terry,
Just wanted to say I’m super proud of you and your family. This is such a cool business you have started. I enjoy seeing your updates and reading your posts. May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Thank you Christian! We started out just messing around and it’s gotten pretty serious. It’s been a lot of work, but a lot of fun as well.
Thanks for the news, Terry. I’ve been looking seriously at the 1358 and you’ve given me several additional reasons to pick one up. Is the suppressor going to be sold as OEM? Quite a coup and well deserved.
John, thank YOU! For the price, it is fantastic. One of my favorites. The suppressor will install directly on the stock airgun without an adapter or any modifications. You’ll just remove the stock baffle/shroud cap and thread in the suppressor.
I got Ur info from Air Gun Det. And was curious about the price and quality. Not much money, so I ordered everything for my Prod about $80. Lock, stock. and mod. VERY HAPPY!! Donny will be sending a hit squad to TX. I own a DFL moderator so I know. Hope every thing is going well. Ur last em. was questionable. Hope the goats are doing well.
Thank you! The goats are fat and happy. I’m gonna have to involve them in some of my airgun videos somehow. Goats with guns… Airguns… Hmmm
Hey there Terry, God Bless brother! I recently bought AEA HP SS+ .30 cal semi auto. The way the bolt cycles and not sure whatvto call that area of the gun but i notice alot of air coming from there, whiccch leads me to think it cant be quieted down too much. What do you think?
Take care of yourself and GOD Bless you and your family!
Richard, thank you! JC at AirgunDetectives.com does a test with that airgun here: https://youtu.be/GKNnh8sWQuw
Go to about 10:37 and you’ll see him test our .30 Cal UNF Suppressor on his AEA HP SS. Seems like it works great.