UNF Suppressors, Avengers, 13XX, M-Loks, and Babies…
Howdy folks. It’s been a little while. I’ve done a few things since last I typed at you and have many projects in the works. I’ll tell you all about it. But first, let me break some baddish news. I’m going back to work. I’m a Machinist/Designer at Jacobs Technology in support of the JSC Engineering Technology and Science contract. But I’m only a temp. They reach out when they have extra work and I have the time. They recently reached out for help on a cool project, but it would be full time until February or March 2023. It’s a really cool job, but I don’t have the time. And my wife will be due for baby number SIX in April. I always overwork when we’re about to have a baby. I think that’s normal… Right? So anyway, I said “Yes….”
What does this mean for Buck Rail, you ask? Buck Rail will keep truckin’. We’re full steam ahead. My brother, Danny will keep the printers running and shelves stocked, my sister, Julie, will keep fulfilling orders with blazing speed, and my friend, Chris, will continue to be available for anything customer service related. However, I’ll stop making new products for a bit. As much as I love it, that will have to wait until I finish things out with Jacobs next year. Then we’ll see what happens with a brand new baby.
I have been busy designing new products. I will work at releasing them little by little in the coming weeks. I’ve already released two today.
UNF Suppressors
The first is a new option for our UNF suppressors. You can now choose a larger diameter 177/22 or 25 cal suppressor without the taper. Nothing special, but this has been a frequent request from our customers. It is the same diameter and length as our 30 cal suppressor.

1377/1322 Extended Barrel Bands
Another product that I’ve made for a while, but never sold is an extended barrel band for the Crosman 1377 and 1322. Quite a few customers have asked for this and I have sent them here and there without ever listing them. I never felt to good about selling them because they were so easy to break during installation. It never occurred to me until recently to have another company make it stronger with state-of-the-art technology that I don’t currently, otherwise, have access to. Enter Multi Jet Fusion. It’s as cool as it sounds. I’m not going to explain it here. You can google it. That’s how these are made. Made in Idaho, USA from tough Nylon PA12 via Multi Jet Fusion. The same material and process that is used to make our 13XX suppressor adapter. We only have 20 in stock, but we have more on order. Check out the Barrel Band here: https://buck-rail.com/product/1377-1322-extended-barrel-band/

Avenger Tactical Conversion
I have other items that have been designed and tested, but I’m working on getting enough printed to release them. One that has been in the works for a while is the Air Venturi Avenger Tactical Conversion. I’m sorry it’s taken so long, but I’m finally done with the design. Just need to dial in the prints and get a few parts in. Coming soon…

M-Lok Handguards
I’ve gotten a lot of requests for adding M-Lok slots to forearms, rails, etc. I was hesitant only because I didn’t expect 3d printed M-Lok slots to hold up under load. But I’ve done some testing and the results are fantastic. I want to put M-Loks on everything now. It allows for so much more customization, provides for a more comfortable handhold, and they look slick! Check out these prototypes for the Stormrider, Chaser, Bandit etc.

A few more noteworthy points. We will be in a feature article in Airgun World Magazine soon for our Beeman 2027 Tactical Conversion kit. Pretty cool. Keep a lookout for that. Also, we fulfilled 95 orders today! I never imagined that we would be at this point when I started all this. Especially all out of our little house and garage! I know, Lord willing, we have much more growing to do yet. Thank you for your support and thank you for your business! I don’t take it for granted. Until next time, we’ll be working hard to provide great airgun products at great prices.
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Nice going, Terry. It’s always nice to see mom and pop businesses like yours prospering and growing. I find myself buying stuff from you just because I like the concept and idea even if I don’t actually have that model of airgun yet.
Keep up the good work, guys!
I’ve hear that a lot! A lot of folks have been getting our Beeman 2027 kit before they have the airgun in hand. Very cool! Thank you, Sir! Will do!
Congrats on number six. Good luck with the position.
Thank you Sir!
Congratulations on number 6. I shall be following your progress with great interest
Thank you Mr. Alan! That is much appreciated.
Terry your a great guy and I wish you all the luck with the new job and the new little one !!
Thank you Timmy!
Congrats Terry on the baby & job. Can surely wait for your return in the spring for new ideas. Am ordering the new suppressor w/ no taper. Glad to see it. I have since sold all my old Diana, Crosman, Benjamin & am now into FX & Snowpeak PP750 so just suppressors for now for me.
Thank you very much! I haven’t gotten into the high end stuff, yet, but I’m sure I will soon. I do own a PP750 that I bought off of Wes from Airgunarcheryfun.ca. That’s a very slick little airgun!
Terry: Keep up the good work. I own several of you products and am very surprised at how good they are. Hope U can make it all work.
Thank you Sir. I’ll adjust course as necessary. Buck Rail will be first priority, then this other stuff if I can swing it. I appreciate your support!
I like the looks of that Avenger tactical stock. Keep up the great work you are doing. A man got to do what’s best for his family first. Good luck!
Agreed. Thank you very much! I’m hoping to have enough printed by the end of next week.
Thank you very much!
Hope you two have a healthy baby
Thank you Mr. Staley!
You make great stuff!!
Wish you well on the baby and the job. Looking forward to all the new stuff you come up with. It’s just so damn cool!!
Thanks for making airguns more fun. And making it affordable.
Thank you Sir! That’s much appreciated.