About Us

About Us

This is a veteran owned/family-owned and operated business. It started with a scope mount for the Daisy Buck 105 and a way for the kiddos to earn some extra money. It’s evolved into a humble international ecommerce business. We design, brainstorm, print, and ship as a family. Before our products are sold and shipped globally they are used in our own backyard and printed in our garage in Texas!

We now sell products for many more airguns and are continuing to innovate. Most of our products started out as suggestions from our customers. In a sense, it is our customers who have built this business and continue to determine it’s direction. We are grateful for all the support and hope to continue growing and serving our customers with great products at great prices!

We are on Instagram
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He made a cane pole and asked me to take him to catch a fish to eat 😄
The dog does this every time I take her to the water. She's special. We just learned to live with it.
#fishing #catchcleanandcook #catchoftheday #catchcleancook #cooking #family #dogsofinstagram #doglife #countryliving

He made a cane pole and asked me to take him to catch a fish to eat 😄
The dog does this every time I take her to the water. She`s special. We just learned to live with it.
#fishing #catchcleanandcook #catchoftheday #catchcleancook #cooking #family #dogsofinstagram #doglife #countryliving

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🦖 ...

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Working on our manufacturing processes and trying to squeeze the max out of our little garage. Just designed some simple tools that will allow us to post-process the modular suppressors faster while recovering more Nylon powder. Not too glorious, but these little things really add up.

Working on our manufacturing processes and trying to squeeze the max out of our little garage. Just designed some simple tools that will allow us to post-process the modular suppressors faster while recovering more Nylon powder. Not too glorious, but these little things really add up. ...

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Gonna be hard to not say “Sir” and “Ma’am” today.

Gonna be hard to not say “Sir” and “Ma’am” today. ...

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Creepin’ up on BSS ✈️ 🇬🇧

Creepin’ up on BSS ✈️ 🇬🇧 ...

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BuckChrony Install Preview - The Music Video

BuckChrony Install Preview - The Music Video ...

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Peter Hernandez of Beeman/Marksman showing off our favorite PCP makeover at SHOT 2025 for our friend JC @airgundetectives
We actually ended up with a huge collection of wooden grips from that project and turned them into bookends so they weren't wasted. The bookends were a flop, but the Beeman Marshall Carbine Kits have been a hit! 😂

Peter Hernandez of Beeman/Marksman showing off our favorite PCP makeover at SHOT 2025 for our friend JC @airgundetectives
We actually ended up with a huge collection of wooden grips from that project and turned them into bookends so they weren`t wasted. The bookends were a flop, but the Beeman Marshall Carbine Kits have been a hit! 😂

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BuckChrony is live!

BuckChrony is live! ...

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Nerdin' out with Jon from Northwest Airguns at SHOT 2025
Full video at the Northwest Airguns YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xo1CHbE1iJQ&t

Nerdin` out with Jon from Northwest Airguns at SHOT 2025
Full video at the Northwest Airguns YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xo1CHbE1iJQ&t

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